Send Us Your Tip!

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7 responses to “Send Us Your Tip!

  1. I’ve had my share of trouble with the Journal as well. They’re keeping voters in the dark over the upcoming bond election.

  2. Silvio Dell'Angela

    On same day Journal article published I sent e-mail to beat writer Dan McKay, Editor Kent Walz, others at Journal-Cc to City Councilors and others asking why they buried story on bottom of page in smallest print? Please sent your e-mail and I will forward copy. Kent is moderator for August 24 Mayoral luncheon debate hosted by NAIOP. Asked how objective he intended to be? I also asked to see deposition and Bode tape using NM IPRA. Journal will no longer print my letters to editor-far too critical on Marty. Spoon-feeding us news. ABQ Journalwatch blogsite welcomed. Also telling TV networks to stop responding to every “get me free political adverising project” press conference dreamed up by his people.

  3. Daniel McLaughlin

    After reading the article “Public Option Tough Sell In N.M.” in the September 14th Journal, I began to wonder about how trustworthy the polling company they always seem to use, Research & Polling Inc. , may be. The article gave a few facts about how the polling was conducted, but how phone numbers that were actually called may have been selected was not addressed. Some of the information about the polling process in the article made it sound as though more conservatives may have been called than liberal or moderate voters. Just wondering if you know anything about “Research & Polling Inc.”. Thanks.

    • Thanks for writing, Daniel. I will have an item about that very story on the blog tomorrow – I look at a different angle for this particular item, but I do appreciate your questions and I think they are worth looking into. The Journal does have a very close relationship with Research & Polling.

  4. I read the article today trying to put Pelosi and the wack ass little spy-glass about “obscene” health industry profits above the fold. The BS in that article (besides it’s placement and the Journals obvious stance against a Public Option) is that they say that the President says that 80 percent of Americans (who have health insurance) are happy with their providers/service and then they attempt to use that little inconvenient stat against him. However, of those Americans strategically polled, was there a follow up question, asking if they would switch insurance carriers or be less “happy” if there was a less expensive more comprehensive option that would get lots of uninsured Americans insured…AND them insured for less money and less bureaucratic hoops to jump through (which includes denied, out of pocket claims)? That would in FACT be newsworthy, if they actually included that side of the survey and not just the side that proves their point.

    Hakim Bellamy

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